Browsing through a recent issue of Yoga Journal today (how nice to be on holiday!!), and saw a feature on gorgeous, exotic yoga retreats. (The online YJ site doesn’t seem to mirror the print version, so I can’t post a link to this.) What caught my eye were the sorts of things I could do on my land… a treehouse deck, a meditation space created in the forest with candles circling a mosquito net canopy (that’ll be essential in the summer), a candlelit labyrinth… Yes, I’m still thinking about one of those! And I’m also thinking more practically about solar heating, and the job of clearing parts of the land, which is why I’ve just entered the Mother Earth News sweepstakes to win a solar hot water kit, gardening stuff (including what looks like a little tractor), and also the chainsaw sweepstakes. Would love to win a chainsaw!
new photo!
Check it out! The last few weeks have been so busy, but the land purchase is coming along. The new survey was finished a couple of days ago, so my acres are now subdivided officially from the rest.

I walked around the land with a friend just over a week ago, and took this image. The forest itself has a lovely feel to it, but this spot was particularly gorgeous. The rocks there look very like a dolmen tomb, though the shape and cracks in them are completely natural. So, yes, I hope they turn out to be within the piece I’m buying!!